Title: Green Tea: A Smoking Love Story
Genre: Drama/Comedy
Format: Web Series/Episodic
Circa: 2016
Location: Long Beach & Inglewood, CA
Executive Produce: Onzo Winfery, E. Totton, Martha Smith
Producer: Matthew Gonzales, E. Totton, Tracie Powell
Writers: Tracie Powell, E. Totton
Director: E. Totton
When Anthony Davis picks up the habit of smoking cigarettes to win over the woman of his dreams, she nixes the habit and him, too. Now that he’s become addicted to nicotine, he’s faced with the decision to quit and win her back or give up on love altogether.
Notebook meets Cold Turkey (1971)
GREEN TEA presents the story of Anthony Davis, a mid-level Marketing executive who’s the epitome of health. He works out daily, doesn’t smoke and only drinks socially. In order to win over the woman of his dreams, the reserved Alana Phillips, he picks up her habit of smoking cigarettes. When Alana gets news that her father is dying from lung cancer, it forces her to quit and end her romance with Anthony. When she quits, it leaves him in a conundrum – can he quit and win her back or give up on love altogether.